
Guide to the Collection

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Representative digitized documents from this collection:

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available for use in the library.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the papers of Presbyterian clergyman Benjamin Colman related to his ministerial career, in particular as minister of Boston's Brattle St. (Fourth) Church, on various local church councils, on the corporation of Harvard College, and as a member of the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England and Parts Adjacent, and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.

Biographical Sketch

Benjamin Colman was one of the most prominent ministers of his generation. He was born in Boston, Mass., the son of William and Elizabeth Colman. As a young man, he was greatly influenced by Increase Mather, Cotton Mather, and Ezekiel Cheever, and at Harvard by William Brattle and John Leverett. After graduating from Harvard in 1692, he preached for six months at Medford before returning to Harvard for his A.M. degree. In 1695, he sailed for England, but was captured en route by French pirates and imprisoned in France. Ransomed, he moved to London and became involved with the American and English Dissenters there and at Bath. In 1699, friends and family in New England convinced him to return to Boston and take charge of the new Brattle Street Church, where he was immediately embroiled in controversy over reforms in the Congregational Church. He and the other founders of the church issued a Manifesto in 1699 and The Gospel Order Revived in 1700, which angered the Mathers and other traditionalist ministers.

Though Colman advocated a distinct separation between Anglicans and Congregationalists, he maintained a sympathetic and mutually supportive relationship with the Church of England. He coordinated many missionary endeavors among the Indians, often in cooperation with Anglican clergymen like Bishop White Kennett. As a member of the Harvard College Corporation and the Overseers, Colman was also active in Harvard College affairs and secured many patrons for Harvard and Yale, including the very influential Thomas Hollis. Colman was an avid reader of modern English thinkers and continued to correspond with colleagues in England. In 1731, he was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from the University of Glasgow. In 1740, during the first Great Awakening, he invited George Whitefield to preach at various pulpits in Boston and at Harvard. When Whitefield alienated and angered many Boston clergy with his criticisms, Colman successfully mediated the disputes that arose.

Colman married three times: to Jane Clark in 1700; to Sarah Crisp Clark, widow of John Leverett, in 1732; and to Mary Pepperrell, also a widow, in 1745. All three of his children were born to his first wife, but none survived him. His daughter Jane Colman Turell was widely acclaimed as a poet.


Kennedy, Rick. "Benjamin Colman." American National Biography. Ed. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes. Vol. 5. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. 256-258.

Collection Description

The papers of Benjamin Colman, 1641-1806, consist of two boxes of loose manuscripts and are primarily concerned with his ministerial career, especially his connection with Boston's Brattle Street Church, his activities on various church councils, and his work among Indians on behalf of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England and Parts Adjacent and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. His correspondents include Jonathan Belcher, Elisha Cooke, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Hollis, Cotton and Increase Mather, William Shirley, Samuel Shute, and Sir Robert Walpole.

The collection also contains letters to his daughter Jane Colman Turell, as well as materials related to George Whitefield, Boston schools, provincial government, the colonial customs service, and Harvard College.

Other Formats

Also available on microfilm, P-133 (1 reel).

Acquisition Information

Gift of Peter Thacher, 1793.

Restrictions on Access

Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available for use in the library.

Item List

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UndatedDigital Content

Box 1Folder 1Item 1Digital Content

Former title page to bound volume, undated

The Benjamin Colman papers were given to the Massachusetts Historical Society by Rev. Peter Thacher, 29 January 1793. They were bound on 6 May 1914 with the assistance of the Winthrop Funds.

Box 1Folder 1Item 2Digital Content

Poem: "A hymn of praise on a recovery from sickness," by [Benjamin Colman], written in English and translated into Latin by William Welsteed, undated

Box 1Folder 1Item 3Digital Content

Draft of message from Benjamin Colman to [William Williams], undated

Box 1Folder 1Item 4Digital Content

Poem: "By another hand," Revel. Chap. 10, by [Benjamin Colman], undated

Box 1Folder 1Item 5Digital Content

Poem: "To Celia, flying from her mother," by [Benjamin Colman], undated

Box 1Folder 1Item 6Digital Content

Poem: "On content," by Benjamin Colman (6 lines), undated

Box 1Folder 1Item 7Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Gardner about his verses and with advice on his future, undated

Box 1Folder 1Item 8Digital Content

Lines to Cardinal Mazarine, by [Benjamin Colman], undated

Box 1Folder 1Item 9Digital Content

"Proposals for promoting...correspondence among Protestant the name of the United Brethren," undated

1641-1698Digital Content

Box 1Folder 1Item 10Digital Content

Speech by William Fiennes, First Viscount Saye and Sele, on an ecclesiastical matter, 1641

Note: This is the first item in the Colman volume dated 1697-1734.

Box 1Folder 1Item 11Digital Content

Draft of letter in the hand of John Leverett from Harvard College to Lieutenant Governor Stoughton about the Harvard charter of 1696, 6 Jan. 1697

Also available on microfilm P-207.

Box 1Folder 1Item 12Digital Content

Letter from Simon Bradstreet (Charlestown) to Benjamin Colman urging him to accept the ministry of the Brattle Street Church, 23 May 1698

1699-1700Digital Content

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

List of subscriptions for building the Brattle Street Church and minutes of the prudential committee, 14 Feb. 1699-8 Oct. 1700

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from Oliver Noyes (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about accepting a ministry at Boston, 14 May 1699

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from William Brattle (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about accepting the invitation to become minister of the Brattle Street Church, 16 May 1699

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from John Nelson (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about the formation of the Brattle Street Church and his invitation to become its minister, 20 May 1699

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from Ebenezer Pemberton (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about his invitation to return to Boston as minister of the Brattle Street Church, 22 May 1699

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from John Leverett (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about the advantages of accepting the call to the Brattle Street Church, 25 May 1699

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from Sarah Colman (Boston) to her brother Benjamin Colman about accepting the call of the Brattle Street Church and returning to Boston, 3 June 1699

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from Increase Mather and James Allen to Benjamin Colman criticizing the manifesto of the Brattle Street Church, 28 Dec. 1699

Also available on microfilm P-207.

Box 1Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from John Higginson and Nicholas Noyes (Salem) to Benjamin Davis and the organizers of the Brattle Street Church criticizing their manifesto, 30 Dec. 1699

1705-1712Digital Content

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Minutes by Benjamin Colman (Cambridge) of a discussion of the Association of Ministers about maintaining the welfare of the churches, including answer of Benjamin Colman to a question on councils, Aug. 1705

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Subscription by Thomas Clarke, Mehetabel Cooper, Robert Palmer, John Colman, John George, Thomas Banister, William Harris, Samuel Kealing, Oliver Noice [Noyce], Addington Davenport, and Stephen Minott for printing Benjamin Colman's discourses on the parable of the Ten Virgins, [1706]

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Dudley (Roxbury) to Benjamin Colman about determining the validity of former French prisoner Timothy LeFebre's conversion to Protestantism, 19 May 1707

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Solomon Stoddard (Northampton) to Benjamin Colman about the settlement of John Leverett as president of Harvard College, 7 Feb. 1708

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Poem: "A hymn to the wise men," by Elizabeth Singer, 30 June 1709

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Elizabeth Singer to Benjamin Colman about her gratitude to him, 12 July 1709

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Dudley Woodbridge (Barbados) to Benjamin Colman thanking him for a shipment of books and about his sons Dudley and Benjamin, 10 July 1711

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from John Colman (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about a dispute with Ebenezer Hutchinson over a money matter, 14 Sep. 1711

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Poem: "Laetum rus genuit, cultos academia mores," by Benjamin Colman, with translation, [1712]

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Stephen Mix (Wethersfield) to Benjamin Colman on theological matters and happenings at Wethersfield, 16 July 1712

Box 1Folder 3Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to White Kennett with comments on his sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Nov. 1712

1714-1716Digital Content

Box 1Folder 4Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Banister (London) to Benjamin Colman about a shipment of glass and the political confusion in London, 15 Feb. 1714

Box 1Folder 4Digital Content

Letter from Jeremiah Dummer (London) to Benjamin Colman about the controversy over Gov. Dudley, 15 Jan. 1715

Printed in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1st series, vol. 5.

Box 1Folder 4Digital Content

Draft of invitation from Benjamin Colman to delegates to attend the ordination of William Cooper at the Brattle Street Church, 23 May 1716

Box 1Folder 4Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Belcher (London) to Benjamin Colman about his approval of the appointment of Samuel Shute to govern New England, 31 May 1716

Box 1Folder 4Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Gov. Samuel Shute congratulating him on his commission, [Aug. 1716]

Box 1Folder 4Digital Content

Letter from William Cooper to Benjamin Colman about an edition of his sermons, 20 Nov. 1716

1717Digital Content

Box 1Folder 5Digital Content

Drafts, mainly in Benjamin Colman's hand, of a memorial to King George I by the ministers of New England churches, approved by Gov. Dudley, and drafts of letters thanking John Shute, William Amhurst, and others for their continued favor for New England, [1717] and [June 1717]

Box 1Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from John Shute, 1st Viscount Barrington (London), to Benjamin Colman about Gov. Samuel Shute, 9 Feb. 1717

Box 1Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Hugh Hall, Jr. (Barbados) to Benjamin Colman about his occupation, 13 Mar. 1717

Box 1Folder 5Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to William Ashurst about a charter for Harvard College, 5 June 1717

Box 1Folder 5Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Cotton Mather on ecclesiastical matters, [June 1717]

Box 1Folder 5Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Samuel Wiswall to become a missionary to the Indians as commissioned by the General Court, [June 1717]

1718-1719Digital Content

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from Nathaniel Stone (Harwich) to Benjamin Colman refuting John Wise's position regarding the ministers of New England, 29 Jan. 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Sewall to Benjamin Colman about baptizing his servant Scipio, 22 Mar. 1718; on verso, draft of report by Benjamin Colman for the ministers of Boston on conditions in the grammar schools, [24 Mar.] 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from Timothy Woodbridge (Hartford) to Benjamin Colman about granting a Harvard degree to a group of students educated at Saybrook and then at Wethersfield under Elisha Williams, 10 Apr. 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Tiverton) to Ebenezer Pierpont about the latter's dispute with Nicholas Sever, 8 Sep. 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from William Cooper to Benjamin Colman about church matters at Boston during his absence, 9 Sep. 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Sewall (Boston), as pastor of Old South Church, to Benjamin Colman and William Cooper inviting them to the ordination of Thomas Prince, 15 Sep. 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from Daniel Neal (London) to Benjamin Colman about the ecclesiastical history of New England and Cotton Mather, 19 Sep. 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from William Ashurst (London) to Benjamin Colman on church matters and Samuel Shute, 3 Oct. 1718

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to the bishop of Bangor about his book The Common Rights of Subjects, 6 May 1719

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Draft of letter, in Benjamin Colman's hand, from the ministers of Boston to the church at Bristol, R.I., about the controversy over James MacSparran, 28 Sep. 1719

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from John Danforth (Dorchester) to Benjamin Colman about the controversy over the ordination of James MacSparran at Bristol, R.I., 28 Sep. 1719

Box 1Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from John Winthrop (New London) to Cotton Mather describing his gift of Sogelander doves, 29 Dec. 1719

1720Digital Content

Box 1Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from John Shute, 1st Viscount Barrington (Tofts, Essex), to Benjamin Colman apologizing for his not having received his letter acknowledging the dedication of his sermon, Jan. 1720

Box 1Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Robert Wodrow (Eastwood, Scotland) to Benjamin Colman about the literary material he is sending, 10 Feb. 1720

Box 1Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Isaac Watts (London) to Cotton Mather on church matters and Daniel Neal, 11 Feb. 1720

Box 1Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Hugh Hall, Jr. (Barbados) to [Benjamin Colman] about charitable gifts for the propagation of the gospel and the reduced interest in religion in the islands, 30 Mar. 1720

Box 1Folder 7Digital Content

Draft of letter from John Leverett and Benjamin Colman to Thomas Hollis acknowledging his gift to Harvard College for scholarship aid, with details of its administration, July 1720

Box 1Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Nathaniel Clap (Newport) to Benjamin Colman on church matters, 4 Nov. 1720

1721Digital Content

Box 1Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Lord Barrington about his continued support for New England, 11 Jan. 1721

Box 1Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Jeremiah Dummer (London) to Benjamin Colman explaining his actions on behalf of funds for Yale College, 16 Feb. 1721

Box 1Folder 8Digital Content

Memorial for the fellows of Harvard College to Gov. Samuel Shute and the General Court petitioning for a salary increase for the Harvard president, signed by Benjamin Wadsworth and Benjamin Colman, 31 May 1721

Box 1Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Stephen Mix (Wethersfield) to Benjamin Colman enlisting his help in obtaining financial aid from Elihu Yale, 2 Aug. 1721

Box 1Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Sewall (Medford) to Benjamin Colman about hearing him preach at Lexington and on the current state of religion, 12 Sep. 1721

Box 1Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from John Leverett (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about his correspondence with Thomas Hollis, 7 Nov. 1721

1722Digital Content

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Memorandum by [Benjamin Colman] related to Thomas Hollis's contribution to Harvard College and the creation of the Hollis Professor of Divinity, 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Draft of letter by [Benjamin Colman] for the ministers of Boston advising the people of Watertown on the establishment of another church and the dismissal of Robert Sturgeon, 22 Feb. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Wadsworth and Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Henry Gibbs about Watertown church affairs and irregularities in the settlement of Robert Sturgeon, 22 Feb. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from Gurdon Saltonstall (New London) to Benjamin Colman about providing information on the history of Connecticut for Jeremiah Dummer's history of New England, 19 Apr. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from John Chamberlayne (London) to Benjamin Colman acknowledging his letter, 22 May 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Copy of report by Benjamin Lynde for the committee of the Massachusetts General Court appointed to review the Harvard College charter, 30 May 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Poem: "On His Majesty's visit to Hackwood and its thundring just as he arrived...inscrib'd to His Grace the Duke of Bolton," 28 Aug. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from Henry Newman (London) to Benjamin Colman about the legality of small-pox inoculation, 28 Sep. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from Stephen Mix (Wethersfield) to Benjamin Colman about Elizabeth Fawkener's legacy to the Bulkeley family, 5 Nov. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from John Perkins (Ipswich) to Benjamin Colman introducing a crippled relative and asking help in his education, 15 Nov. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from John Leverett (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about his prospects of withdrawal as a member of Harvard relative to action of the Massachusetts General Court, 26 Nov. 1722

Box 1Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from Edward Wigglesworth (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about sending a copy of his oration to Thomas Hollis, 6 Dec. 1722

1723Digital Content

Box 1Folder 10Digital Content

Extracts from letters from Thomas Hollis, Isaac Watts, and Samuel Shute (London) to Benjamin Colman about Gov. Shute's support for New England, 1 Mar.-3 June 1723

Box 1Folder 10Digital Content

Letter from Stephen Mix (Wethersfield) to Benjamin Colman about the Bulkeley family legacy settlement, 20 May 1723

Box 1Folder 10Digital Content

Letter from Robert Wodrow (Eastwood, Scotland) to Benjamin Colman about his difficulty in communicating with Rabbi Mouis, 12 Aug. 1723

Box 1Folder 10Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Shute (London) to Benjamin Colman assuring him of his support in retaining the Massachusetts Bay charter, 19 Aug. 1723

Box 1Folder 10Digital Content

Copy of letter from Henry Newman (London) to Benjamin Colman with his account for the purchase and exchange of books and articles, 10 Sep. 1723

1724Digital Content

Box 1Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from John Colman (London) to Benjamin Colman about borrowing money from Thomas Hollis and on political matters, 26 Mar. 1724

Box 1Folder 11Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to the members of the Congregational Church at Charleston, S.C., introducing Nathan Bassett, 15 Apr. 1724

Box 1Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from John Shute, 1st Viscount Barrington (Tofts, Essex) to Benjamin Colman about province affairs, 20 July 1724

Box 1Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Moses Godfree and Elisha Mayo (Chatham) to Benjamin Colman and William Cooper asking for help in restoring their privileges in the church at Chatham, 27 July 1724

Box 1Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Robert Wodrow (Eastwood, Scotland) to Benjamin Colman about Bishop Burnett's book and church and literary matters, 29 July 1724

Box 1Folder 11Digital Content

Act of the Massachusetts General Court related to expanding the service of the Charlestown Ferry, signed by William Dudley, 3 Dec. 1724

1725Digital Content

Box 1Folder 12Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman to his son-in-law Ebenezer Turell about medicines to cure his sick child, [1725]

Box 1Folder 12Digital Content

Letter from Zabdiel Boylston (London) to Benjamin Colman about matters concerning the provincial government, 26 Feb. 1725

Box 1Folder 12Digital Content

Letter from John Colman (London) to Benjamin Colman about Elisha Cooke's activities at London and Samuel Shute, 20 Mar. 1725

Box 1Folder 12Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to [Benjamin] Avery, in Latin, about the Harvard College library, 8 June 1725

Box 1Folder 12Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to Bishop White Kennett about synods, church matters, and his declining the presidency of Harvard, 17 Dec. 1725

Box 1Folder 12Digital Content

Letter from Isaac Greenwood (London) to Benjamin Colman about Thomas Hollis's intention to settle a professorship of mathematics and experimental philosophy at Harvard, 20 Dec. 1725

1726Digital Content

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Incomplete draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to [?] about the practice of dissenting congregations in New England to send to England for a minister, [1726]

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Letter from John Colman (London) to Benjamin Colman about family business matters, Elisha Cooke, and speculation on the government of Massachusetts Bay, 4 Feb. 1726

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Shute (London) to Benjamin Colman about the acceptance of the Explanatory Charter, 25 Mar. 1726

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Letter from John Colman (London) to Benjamin Colman about publishing his sermons, 2 Apr. 1726

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Perker, Shubael Stearns, and John Hawkes (Lynn End) to Benjamin Colman and William Cooper asking for help in resolving church differences, 16 Aug. 1726

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman, on behalf of Boston ministers, to Joseph Leddel, et al., regarding a candidate for a Presbyterian church in New York, 17 Oct. 1726

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Edmund Calamy about Judge Nicholas Trott of South Carolina, 19 Oct. 1726

Box 1Folder 13Digital Content

Minutes of a council of churches at Billingsgate [Eastham] about the controversy with Josiah Oakes, signed by Joseph Green as clerk, 22 Nov. 1726

1727Digital Content

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Letter from Isaac Greenwood (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about his indebtedness to him, 7 Feb. 1727

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Letter from Josiah Oakes, Samuel Brown, Samuel Smith, Jonathan Young, Eleazure Hamblen, and John Rich, members of the church at Billingsgate (Eastham), to Benjamin Colman asking for his help in resolving church differences, 2 Mar. 1727

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Letter from Daniel Oliver (London) to Benjamin Colman describing his visit to England and France, 17 Mar. 1727

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Letter from William Williams (Weston) to Benjamin Colman about difficulties in his attending a conference on the resolution of church differences at Eastham, 21 Mar. 1727

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Josiah Oakes and others with advice on resolving the differences in the church at Eastham, 22 Mar. 1727

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Letter from [Samuel Sewall] (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about the funeral of Samuel Hirst and about having his sermon distributed, 14 Apr. 1727

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Address by Cotton Mather and Benjamin Colman (Boston) for the annual convention of ministers of Massachusetts Bay to King George II, 31 May 1727

Box 1Folder 14Digital Content

Address from Harvard College to George II, in Benjamin Colman's hand, signed by Benjamin Wadsworth, 4 Sep. 1727

1728Digital Content

Box 1Folder 15Digital Content

Acknowledgment from Timothy Cutler to Benjamin Colman of receipt of notification of Harvard Overseers meeting, [1728]

Box 1Folder 15Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Wadsworth (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about the use of revenue from donated lands to help promote the ministry, 6 Apr. 1728

Box 1Folder 15Digital Content

Letter from David Parsons (Leicester) to Benjamin Colman about the calling of a Leicester church council, 22 Apr. 1728

Box 1Folder 15Digital Content

Letter from John Williams (Deerfield) to Benjamin Colman about divisions in the churches, 2 July 1728

Box 1Folder 15Digital Content

Memorial of the death of John Clark with inscription on his tombstone, Dec. 1728

1729Digital Content

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Hollis (London) to Benjamin Colman with news of London, 12 Feb. 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to his daughter Jane Colman Turell about her homesickness, 6 Mar. 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from Jedidiah Andrews (Philadelphia) to Benjamin Colman about church matters, 7 Apr. 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from Daniel Neal (London) to Thomas Foxcroft about Samuel Shute, English resentment toward New England, and the necessity to comply with the king, 29 Apr. 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Application by Richard Southgate, Thomas Newhall, and James Willson, members of the church at Leicester, to the Brattle Street Church asking for help in resolving their differences, 1 May 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from Jedidiah Andrews (Philadelphia) to Benjamin Colman about his advice on the legality of marriage with a wife's brother's widow, 14 May 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Minutes of a church council meeting at Watertown regarding the church at Leicester, with memo of the votes from Benjamin Colman to David Parsons, 9-10 July 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from David Parsons (Leicester) to Benjamin Colman about his response to the calling of a church council to resolve the differences of the church at Leicester, 13 Aug. 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Reports and minutes by [Benjamin Colman] of a church council at Watertown to resolve the dispute in the church at Leicester, with copy of David Parson's reply, [Sep.] 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to Nathaniel Stone about resolving the dispute with Samuel Osborn of the Eastham church, 8 Sep. 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from David Parsons (Leicester) to Benjamin Colman about the response of the Leicester congregation to the decision of the council of churches regarding their differences, 1 Nov. 1729

Box 1Folder 16Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Osborn (Eastham) to Benjamin Colman refuting the charges of Nathaniel Stone and Rev. Lord, 17 Nov. 1729

1730Digital Content

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman to his daughter Jane Colman Turell with parental advice on her health, 16 Jan. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Belcher (London) to Benjamin Colman describing the circumstances of his appointment as governor and about his son's affairs, 7 Feb. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Richard Billings, Matthew Short, John Greenwood, David Turner, Peleg Heath, Josiah Cotton, and Habijah Weld (Rehoboth), ministers of Bristol County, to Benjamin Colman about establishing a church at Freetown and Freetown affairs, 21 Apr. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from William Harris (London) to Benjamin Colman about Gov. Jonathan Belcher, the illness of Thomas Hollis, and literary matters, 29 Apr. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from John Doane (Eastham) to Benjamin Colman about Eastham church affairs and Isaiah Lewis, 14 May 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Jeremiah Hunt [London] to [Benjamin Colman] introducing two visitors to New England from Yarmouth, 22 July 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Hollis (London) to Benjamin Colman about his correspondence, news of London, and the Mason bequest to dissenting individuals, 8 Oct. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Josiah Smith (Cainhay) to Benjamin Colman about the publication of his sermons and criticism of his views, 12 Oct. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Elisha Williams (New Haven) to Benjamin Colman about Yale College library matters and a professor of divinity, 16 Oct. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Hollis (London) to Benjamin Colman about Harvard College matters and Samuel Holden's gift of books, 22 Oct. 1730

Box 1Folder 17Digital Content

Statement by George Du Bois (New York) to the Reformed Protestant Church at Boston certifying the membership of Abraham and Catharina Wendell in the Reformed Dutch Church at New York, 3 Nov. 1730

1731Digital Content

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Notes for an address from the ministers to the Massachusetts General Court, [1731]

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Henry Maule, Bishop of Cloyne, about a legacy left to Grace Kempston Peirson by her grandmother, 8 Feb. 1731

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Standen (Speen) to Benjamin Colman with sympathy on the death of his wife, 26 Apr. 1731

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Letter from Matthew Clerk (Londonderry) to Benjamin Colman applying for a position at Harvard as a teacher of philosophy, 27 Apr. 1731

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Subscription list for the support of Josiah Cotton (H.C. 1722) in his ministry at Providence, R.I., with record of disbursement and subsequent gifts, 27 May-31 Aug. 1731

Subscribers include Joshua Gee, Joseph Emerson, John Hancock, James Cushing, Samuel Dexter, Thomas Foxcroft, Ebenezer Parkman, Stephen Williams, Ames Cheever, Samuel Checkley, Oliver Peabody, Joseph Parsons, Phillips Payson, Charles Chauncy, William Cooper, Daniel Greenleaf, Nathan Buckman, Jonathan Edwards, Samuel Fiske, Joseph Baxter, Peter Reynolds, Joseph Sewall, James Stone, Seth Storer, Jonathan Townsend, John Webb, Nathaniel Rogers, John Barnard, Jonathan Bowman, Ebenezer Turell, William Welsteed, John White, Jeremiah Wise, William Johnson, John Rogers, Samuel Phillips, William Balch, John Tufts, Moses Hale, and Henry Messinger.

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Holden (London) to Benjamin Colman with additional gifts of books, 13 Sep. 1731

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Letter from Timothy White (Nantucket) to Benjamin Colman about serving as schoolmaster and missionary to the Indians in Nantucket, 3 Nov. 1731

Box 1Folder 18Digital Content

Letter from Edward Wigglesworth (Cambridge) to Benjamin Colman about a Harvard College matter, 14 Nov. 1731

1732Digital Content

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Letter from William Williams (Hatfield) to Benjamin Colman thanking him for the gift of a set of Baxter's works contributed by Samuel Holden, 20 Jan. 1732

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to Nathaniel Stone about terminating the dispute related to the church at Eastham, 25 Jan. 1732

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Hollis (London) to Benjamin Colman about his uncle Thomas Hollis's bequests, 3 Feb. 1732

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Letter from Stephen Mix (Wethersfield) to Benjamin Colman about the organization of Boston churches and a suitable epitaph for Solomon Stoddard, 1 Mar. 1732

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Letter from Eldad Tupper (Sandwich) to Benjamin Colman about his missionary work with the Indians, 27 May 1732

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Drafts of letters from Benjamin Colman to Thomas Acton and Mr. Wynne, keeper of the Cathedral of St. Patrick's, about the legacy left to Grace Kempston Peirson by her grandmother, 12 Aug. 1732

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Cotton (Holborn) to Benjamin Colman about a financial matter, 26 Sep. 1732

Box 1Folder 19Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to the president of the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge about the mission at Fort Dummer and Joseph Seccombe's work at St. George's River, 14 Nov. 1732

1733Digital Content

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from John Bickford (Salem) to Benjamin Colman for the churches at Boston about the state of religion at Salem, 26 Feb. 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from John Lowell (Newbury) to Benjamin Colman about Leonard Cotton, 20 Mar. 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from William Williams (Hatfield) to Benjamin Colman on church matters, 9 Apr. 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from Stephen Parker (Richmond) to Benjamin Colman about his Indian mission at Richmond, Mass., 23 Apr. 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from Timothy White (Nantucket) to Benjamin Colman about the possibility of higher education for the Indians at his school and Thomas Mayhew's function on the island, 15 May 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Clap (Taunton) to Benjamin Colman about Thomas Danforth's church membership, 6 June 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Seccombe (George's River) to Benjamin Colman about his observation of the natural history in the area of his Indian mission, 17 July 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Treatise: "Some thoughts on the third way of communion," by [Benjamin Colman], 23 July 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Barber (Mohegan) to Benjamin Colman about his mission to the Indians, 2 Oct. 1733

Box 1Folder 20Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to William Grant describing the ordination of missionaries for the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 25 Dec. 1733

Feb.-May 1734Digital Content

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman on church matters, [1734]

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from Robert Wodrow, Jr. to [Benjamin Colman] about his father's financial position, [1734]

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Hollis (London) to Benjamin Colman about the appeal in the settlement of lands related to the ministry at Kingston, R.I., 14 Feb. 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Parsons (Lyme) to Benjamin Colman acknowledging the gift of Baxter's works for the church at Lyme, 14 Feb. 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Parsons (Lyme) to Benjamin Colman about teaching the Indians at Lyme and settling the question of their land boundaries, 26 Feb. 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from John Owen (Groton, Conn.) to Benjamin Colman about Samuel Holden's gift of Baxter's works, 28 Feb. 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from Robert Wodrow, Jr. (Eastwood, Scotland) to Benjamin Colman about his father's death, 1 Apr. 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from William Williams (Hatfield) to Benjamin Colman about missionary work with the Indians, 11 Apr. 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman with autobiographical information and about sending books to ministers to the Indians, 30 Apr. 1734

Printed in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, vol. 56, pp. 19-24.

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston), on behalf of the ministers convening at Boston, to Samuel Holden asking him to forward their address to the king, 30 May 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Jonathan Belcher, Jr. about delivering the address of the ministers' convention to the king, 30 May 1734

Box 1Folder 21Digital Content

Copy of votes of the Boston ministers' convention about support of the ministry at South Kingston, R.I., under Joseph Torrey and about Samuel Holden's help, written in Thomas Prince's hand, 31 May 1734

June-Dec. 1934Digital Content

Box 1Folder 22Digital Content

Letter from Nathaniel Stone (Harwich) to Benjamin Colman critical of the Boston ministers for their lack of attention to matters related to other churches, 14 June 1734

Box 1Folder 22Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Seccombe (George's River) to Benjamin Colman about a matter related to his ministry to the Indians, 27 June 1734, enclosed with letter from Stephen Lauverjat to Joseph Seccombe, in Latin, 13 Apr. 1734

Box 1Folder 22Digital Content

Report of a decision by a Taunton church council about the church membership of Thomas Danforth, sent to Benjamin Colman, signed by Joseph Baxter, John Swift, David Turner, Nathan Bucknam, Joseph Buckminster, Thomas Randell, Nathaniel Southworth, John Willmarth, Samuel Wood, David Morse, Samuel Hill, Abiah Carpenter, and Samuel Morse, 14 Aug. 1734

Box 1Folder 22Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to the bishop of London about the dearth of missionaries in New England and about the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 13 Sep. 1734

Box 1Folder 22Digital Content

Letter from Simon Ray, Jr. (Block Island) to Benjamin Colman about the state of religion on Block Island, 22 Sep. 1734

Box 1Folder 22Digital Content

Letter from Leonard Cotton (Manchester) to Benjamin Colman about his help in finding a teaching position in Boston, 24 Oct. 1734

Box 1Folder 22Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Torrey (South Kingston, R.I.) to Benjamin Colman about his mission to the Indians, 3 Dec. 1734

Jan.-Mar. 1735Digital Content

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Draft of "Reasons why the Brethren...of Leicester are to be blamed...for their late deposition of their pastor, the Rev. Mr. David Parsons," by [Benjamin Colman], [1735]

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman to Jonathan Belcher about complying with his request for copies of correspondence, with Belcher's reply, [1735]

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to Jacob Mitchell and Joseph Chandler of the church at North Yarmouth offering advice about the dismissal of Ammi R. Cutler because of his irregular marriage and the birth of his child, [1735]

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] about a treatise refuting Jonathan Edwards's book, [1735]

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to Samuel Holden about the settlement of land ownership at South Kingston, R.I., and current rates of exchange, 6 Jan. 1735

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from John Callender (Newport) to Benjamin Colman on literary matters, 24 Jan. 1735

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Niles (Braintree) to Benjamin Colman describing a trip to Rhode Island with Experience Mayhew, 27 Jan. 1735

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Smith (Aldgate, London) to Benjamin Colman about providing books for missionaries to the Indians, 29 Jan. 1735

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from Nathan Bassett (Charleston, S.C.) to Benjamin Colman about political matters and news of Charleston, 13 Feb. 1735

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about the earl of Egmont's support of the missionaries to the Indians, 13 Feb. 1735

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman to Ebenezer Turell about distributing funeral gloves, [26 Mar. 1735]

Box 1Folder 23Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman to Ebenezer Turell about preparations for his daughter's funeral, [27 Mar. 1735]

Apr.-June 1735Digital Content

Box 1Folder 24Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Ebenezer Turell about the expenses of his daughter's funeral, with a gift for his grandson Samuel, 14 Apr. 1735

Box 1Folder 24Digital Content

Letter from Nathaniel Clap to Benjamin Colman with sympathy on his daughter's death and about his length of service, 18 Apr. 1735

Box 1Folder 24Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Seccombe (Fort George) to Benjamin Colman about his gratitude for a gift of books from England, 22 Apr. 1735

Box 1Folder 24Digital Content

Letter from William Williams (Hatfield) to Benjamin Colman about church matters and with sympathy on the death of his daughter, 28 Apr. 1735

Box 1Folder 24Digital Content

Letter from Simon Ray, Jr. (Block Island) to Benjamin Colman about his gratitude for the support of his missionary work at Block Island, 29 Apr. 1735

Box 1Folder 24Digital Content

Letter from Nathaniel Stone (Harwich) to Benjamin Colman about his views on church government, 21 June 1735

Box 1Folder 24Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Samuel Holden congratulating him on his appointment as governor, 30 June 1735; on verso, draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Francis Wilks about Samuel Holden's appointment as governor, [30 June 1735]

July-Sep. 1735Digital Content

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman on matters related to Joseph Seccombe's mission to the Indians, 26 July 1735

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Smith to Benjamin Colman about the duty of the missionaries of the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 29 July 1735

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Memorandum from [Benjamin Colman] to William Cooper and other Boston ministers about arguments against their attending the church council on the ordination of Robert Breck at Springfield, [Aug. 1735]

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Letter from Robert Wodrow, Jr. (Eastwood, Scotland) to Benjamin Colman with sympathy on the death of his daughter and on church matters, 8 Aug. 1735

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Stephen Williams about church matters and Robert Breck, 19 Aug. 1735

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to William Cooper about the proposal of the Springfield church to ordain Robert Breck, 19 Aug. 1735

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to William Williams about Robert Breck, 11 Sep. 1735

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (Liverpool) to Benjamin Colman about furnishing additional funding for Joseph Seccombe's mission to the Indians at St. George's River, 23 Sep. 1735

Box 1Folder 25Digital Content

Letter from Francis Wilks (London) to Benjamin Colman about Samuel Holden declining the government appointment as governor and about matters related to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 26 Sep. 1735

Nov.-Dec. 1735Digital Content

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Letter from Josiah Smith (Charleston, S.C.) to Benjamin Colman about the death of Job Parker, 7 Nov. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Samuel Holden asking for his support in matters coming before the council and about the currency exchange rates and intestate estates, 12 Nov. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Gov. John Wanton about contributing to the relief of those on Block Island, [20 Nov. 1735]

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Gov. Jonathan Belcher about retaining Timothy White as minister at Nantucket, 22 Nov. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Letter from William Cooper (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about deliberations and intrigue at the council of churches regarding the ordination of Robert Breck, 25 Nov. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to William Cooper about the reports of ministers' views at the church council regarding the ordination of Robert Breck, 26 Nov. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Mrs. Gerrish about Samuel Holden's philanthropy, 28 Nov. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Samuel Holden about contributing part of his fund to Mrs. Gerrish, 11 Dec. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to William Williams and Mr. Hopkins about Robert Breck's ordination, 29 Dec. 1735

Box 1Folder 26Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to William Cooper about Robert Breck and ending the controversy of the Hampshire churches, 30 Dec. 1735

Jan.-Mar. 1736Digital Content

Box 1Folder 27Digital Content

Memorandum by Benjamin Colman to the Brattle Street Church about deferring the admittance of Mrs. Holden to communion with the church, [1736]

Box 1Folder 27Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Sewall (Boston) to Benjamin Colman asking him to write his mother Margaret Mitchell Sewall's obituary, with draft of the obituary by Colman, 21 Jan. 1736

Box 1Folder 27Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Frink (Rutland) to Benjamin Colman and the ministers of Boston asking them to solve church differences at Rutland and Worcester, 21 Jan. 1736

Box 1Folder 27Digital Content

Letter from William Roffey (London) to Benjamin Colman about his concern for the state of religious indifference in the churches, 3 Mar. 1736

Box 1Folder 27Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to [?] about the dissatisfaction caused by visiting Irish ministers and his faith in the system of provincial church councils, 17 Mar. 1736

Box 1Folder 27Digital Content

Letter from Daniel Neal (London) to Benjamin Colman on literary matters, 25 Mar. 1736

Box 1Folder 27Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Niles (Braintree) to Benjamin Colman about progress with the mission to the Indians at Block Island, 30 Mar. 1736

Apr.-Nov. 1736Digital Content

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from Eldad Tupper (Sandwich) to Benjamin Colman and Joseph Sewall about his son Elisha's work with the Indians and his desire for an appointment as minister, 24 Apr. 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman acknowledging his letter and about his government activities, 17 May 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from Francis Wilks (London) to Benjamin Colman about matters related to the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 15 June 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from William Dummer (Newbury Falls) to Benjamin Colman thanking him for the gift of books and about the prevalence of sickness at Newbury Falls, 17 July 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from William Cooper to Benjamin Colman about the future of one of the island ministers, 3 Aug. 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from Elisha Tupper (Sandwich) to Benjamin Colman and Joseph Sewall about his reasons for declining the appointment as missionary to the Indians by the commissioners for the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 4 Aug. 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about matters related to Indian missions, 8 Oct. 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Isaac Hollis about his contribution for church purposes and the rate of exchange at Boston, 20 Nov. 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from William Williams (Weston) to Benjamin Colman about collaborating on a manuscript for publication, 25 Nov. 1736

Box 1Folder 28Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Talcott (Hartford) to Benjamin Colman about the activities of the Indians in Connecticut, 30 Nov. 1736

Jan.-May 1737Digital Content

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman to Mrs. Rowe about his new set of books on The History of Joseph, 20 Jan. 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Letter from [Benjamin Colman] to Samuel Holden about a controversy between Jeremiah Allen and the collector of North Carolina; on verso, unsigned deposition related to the matter, 20 Jan. 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to Samuel Holden about contributions for John Sergeant's work with the Indians and about Jeremiah Allen's controversy with the North Carolina collector of the port, 25 Jan. 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Letter from Mrs. Robert Wodrow [Eastwood, Scotland] to Benjamin Colman about herself and family matters, 11 Feb. 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Letter from Timothy White (Nantucket) to Benjamin Colman about Dr. Hay's work on the island, 28 Feb. 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about his views on the education of women and about Joseph Seccombe's background, 2 Mar. 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman sending books for Josiah Cotton and Joseph Seccombe, with extracts of letters, written in Colman's hand, from [Thomas Coram] to Josiah Cotton and Joseph Seccombe about their gifts of books, 30 Apr. 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Samuel Holden about a controversy over Rhode Island lands, James MacSparran, and the education of women, 8 May 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Edwards (Northampton) to Benjamin Colman about the Great Awakening and the decline of religion and political contention at Northampton, 19 May 1737

Box 2Folder 1Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to the Harvard College Board of Overseers blocking his own and William Cooper's nomination as president and describing Edward Holyoke's qualifications, 26 May 1737

July-Nov. 1737Digital Content

Box 2Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about women's education, agriculture in Massachusetts, and his theories on New England inflation, 9 July 1737

Box 2Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Torrey (South Kingston) to Benjamin Colman about the reopening of a lawsuit over ministerial lands and about James MacSparran, 19 Aug. 1737

Box 2Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from John White (Gloucester) to Benjamin Colman about his finances and asking scholarship aid for his sons, 2 Sep. 1737

Box 2Folder 2Digital Content

Letter from Daniel Corbett, Ebenezer Clark, and Joshua Andrews, on behalf of the Bellingham church membership, to the New North Church in Boston about settling matters related to the service, 8 Sep. 1737

Box 2Folder 2Digital Content

Drafts of letters from [Benjamin Colman], on behalf of the ministers of Boston, to Samuel Holden, William Harris, Isaac Watts, Daniel Neal, John Guise, and Sir Robert Walpole denying the report in England of their pleasure at the appointment of Jonathan Belcher as governor, with notation by William Cooper about further correspondence on the subject, Nov. 1737

1738Digital Content

Box 2Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Albert Dennie to Benjamin Colman about the deceitful treatment of a woman, [1738]

Box 2Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Albert Dennie (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about setting up housekeeping, 16 May 1738

Box 2Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about back wages due to the family of Samuel Tucket of Connecticut after Tucket's death and the Mason family's role in redressing land injustices to the Connecticut Indians, 21 Sep. 1738

Box 2Folder 3Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about his attempts to establish a foundling hospital at London, 22 Sep. 1738, enclosed with circular letter soliciting contributions for the hospital, signed by Thomas Coram, 22 Sep. 1738, and copy of letter, in Coram's hand, from Vere Beauclerk (Drayton) to Thomas Coram about contributions, 17 June 1738

Jan.-July 1739Digital Content

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to John Angier about Johnson's suspension from the Bridgewater church, 18 Jan. 1739

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Letter from William Hooper to Benjamin Colman about the unfitness of Mrs. Holden for admission to the communion of the church at Bridgewater, 2 Mar. 1739

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to William Hooper about admitting Mrs. Holden to communion in his church, 3 Mar. 1739

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to William Hooper asking him to attend a meeting regarding the admission of Mrs. Holden to church communion, [4 Mar. 1739]

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Letter from John Callender, Jr. (Newport) to [?] about the reception of Thomas Prince's chronology, 4 Apr. 1739

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Letter from Robert Pearsall (Warminster) to Benjamin Colman about literary matters and George Whitefield's sermons and following, 25 Apr. 1739

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Joseph Torrey about raising a fund for the defense of the ministerial lands lawsuit, 14 July 1739; on verso, draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Thomas Prince about a subscription fund for the defense of the Rhode Island ministerial lands lawsuit, 14 July 1739

Box 2Folder 4Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Joseph Talcott about his willingness to introduce Jeremiah Allen to his London friends, 16 July 1739

Aug.-Dec. 1739Digital Content

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Copy of poem: "On viewing the design for rebuilding Hampstead House...," Latin verses written on viewing the designs for the restoration of Lord Craven's estate near Newbury, Berkshire, written by [Shirley], sent by [Joseph Standen], Aug. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Isaac Watts praising his writings, about church news at Boston, and about the illnesses of Elisha Williams and Samuel Mather, 13 Aug. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Hannah Adams (Annapolis Royal) to Benjamin Colman asking for help for her son from the ministers of Boston, 16 Aug. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about his foundling hospital and the Mason family's ingratitude for English help for the Connecticut Indians, 24 Aug. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman proposing financial help for New Englanders stranded in England, 3 Sep. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Belcher to Benjamin Colman about having Thomas Prince's sermon bound for his family archives, 27 Sep. 1739, with draft of letter and poem from Colman to Belcher, 28 Sep. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Belcher to Benjamin Colman containing a testament on his recovered health, [30 Sep. 1739]

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Abigail Colman Dennie (Boston) to her father Benjamin Colman asking him to accept her husband, 19 Oct. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from William Tompson (Scarborough) to Benjamin Colman on ecclesiastical matters, 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from [Benjamin Colman] (Boston) to Francis Wilks on economic matters related to the province, 19 Nov. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Nathaniel Stone (Harwich) to Benjamin Colman on ecclesiastical matters, 30 Nov. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Smith (Falmouth) to Benjamin Colman about church matters related to the Irish ministers, 4 Dec. 1739, enclosed with letter from William Tompson (Scarborough) to Thomas Smith about circulating Colman's statement, 21 Nov. 1739

Box 2Folder 5Digital Content

Memorandum by Benjamin Colman of the fund administered for Joseph Torrey's defense of ownership of the ministerial lands at Rhode Island, giving the balance to Thomas Prince, 14 Dec. 1739

Jan.-May 1740Digital Content

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman and Joseph Sewall to Hugh Adams about publication of a hymn, [1740]

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Drafts of letters from Benjamin Colman to Isaac Chauncy about his writing and theological matters, [1740]

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Copy of letter from George Whitefield (Savannah) on theological matters, in Benjamin Colman's hand, 24 Jan. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Charles Chauncey about meeting with him and other ministers regarding church matters, 12 Feb. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from William Hooper (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about his controversial sermon, 13 Feb. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to William Hooper on theological matters, 13 Feb. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Poem: "The transport, to Mr. Pope, on looking again into his Essay on Man," by Benjamin Colman, 14 Feb. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to William Hooper on theological matters, 15 Feb. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from William Tompson (Scarborough) to Samuel Kneeland about printing Benjamin Colman's letter to Mr. Rutherford, 15 Mar. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from Samuel Moody (York) to Benjamin Colman thanking him for a charitable gift for his son, 19 Mar. 1740

Box 2Folder 6Digital Content

Letter from Nathaniel Stone (Harwich) to Benjamin Colman about church matters, 27 May 1740

July-Dec. 1740Digital Content

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from William Williams (Hatfield) to Benjamin Colman about the effect of George Whitefield's teaching, Methodists, and other church matters, 1 July 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Memorandum by Benjamin Colman on George Whitefield, Sep. 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Copy of order by the Massachusetts General Court in regard to the sermon by Benjamin Colman on Samuel Holden, attested by Simon Frost, 4 Sep. 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Coram (London) to Benjamin Colman about funds for his foundling hospital at London and about his wife's death, 13 Sep. 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to William Harris, Isaac Watts, Daniel Neal, and John Guise describing George Whitefield's first visit to Boston and the reception to his preaching there, 3 Oct. 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Testimonial of Boston ministers certifying Robert Abercromby's accreditation to preach, 22 Oct. 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Lord (Chatham) to Benjamin Colman about his recommendation to Col. Pinkney and the effect of the Whitefield revival, 31 Oct. 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Letter from Henry Newman (London) to Benjamin Colman about securing Sir Richard Ellis's library for Harvard, 20 Nov. 1740

Box 2Folder 7Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Sir Richard Ellis asking him to give his library to Harvard College, 1 Dec. 1740

1741Digital Content

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to Gov. Belcher about jurisdiction over monies appropriated for military fortification, 26 Jan. 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Edwards (Northampton) to Benjamin Colman about the Great Awakening and the revival of religious spirit, 9 Mar. 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Parsons (Lyme) to Benjamin Colman about the Great Awakening and the revival of religious interest, 27 Apr. 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to Gov. William Shirley about Samuel Holden's legacy to New England, 24 May 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Dr. Avery about Gov. Belcher's and Gov. Shirley's support of church positions, 9 June 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman], on behalf of the ministers of Boston, to Joshua Gee and Samuel Mather about the church council's advice on the controversy at the Second Church of Christ, Boston, 19 June 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to the members of the North Church, Boston, about the decision of the church council on the dispute between Joshua Gee and Samuel Mather, 17 July 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman], on behalf of the ministers of Boston, to Gov. William Shirley pledging their support, 17 Aug. 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Henry Newman (London) to Benjamin Colman about Jonathan Belcher's activities, 16 Sep. 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Letter from Albert Dennie to Benjamin Colman asking permission to live with him, 17 Oct. 1741

Box 2Folder 8Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Edward Holyoke about building a chapel at Harvard College as a gift of the Holden family, 9 Dec. 1741

1742Digital Content

Box 2Folder 9Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to George Whitefield about his writing, his work in the church, and his popularity and influence, [1742]

Box 2Folder 9Digital Content

Draft of report by [Benjamin Colman] of the convention of ministers of Boston and Charlestown admonishing James Davenport of Southold, Long Island, 30 June 1742

Box 2Folder 9Digital Content

Letter from Jonathan Parsons (Lyme) to Benjamin Colman about his reception at Boston and theological matters, 29 Dec. 1742

1743Digital Content

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to the publishers of the Boston Gazette about libels, with extract from the Life of the Bishop of Peterborough for publication, [1743]

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Will of Benjamin Colman, witnessed by Ebenezer Hartshorn, Thomas Johnston, Jr., and Jeremiah Osborne, 15 Jan. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to Gov. William Shirley about scheduling prayer days in the Boston churches, 18 Jan. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Letter from Thomas Skinner to Benjamin Colman about the Great Awakening and the separatist movement disrupting the churches, 14 Feb. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Letter from John Sergeant (Stockbridge) to Benjamin Colman about his scheme for Indian education, 1 Aug. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Letter from Abigail Colman Dennie to her friend Lucinda about a speech to the ladies of Boston and about her husband Albert Dennie, 25 Aug. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Parsons (Bradford) to Ebenezer Turell about his positions taken at a church council at Concord, 20 Sep. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Incomplete memorandum by [Benjamin Colman] about Newbury church matters related to separatists, [Oct. 1743]

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to Benjamin Tappan about the activities of separatists from his church in Newbury and about the revival movement, 29 Oct. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Notes by [Benjamin Colman] on William Cooper's last illness and death, 11-13 Dec. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Title page of sermon preached by Benjamin Colman on William Cooper's illness, 12 Dec. 1743

Box 2Folder 10Digital Content

Letter of condolence from Margaret Alford (Charlestown) to Benjamin Colman on the death of William Cooper, 19 Dec. 1743

1744-1806Digital Content

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Jeremiah Condy (Boston) to Benjamin Colman about lending him The History of the English Baptists, 8 Nov. 1744

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to George Whitefield about church dissension and the Great Awakening, 14 Jan. 1745

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Joseph Standen (Speen) to Benjamin Colman about civil and church unrest, 6 Apr. 1745

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Eliza Foye (Boston) to Benjamin Colman asking prayers for her son, 25 May 1745

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman to Rev. Williams about his health, 14 Dec. 1745

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from William Shirley (Boston) to Benjamin Colman swapping publications of sermons and discourses, 17 Feb. 1746

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Dr. Sewall and others about Jeremiah Allen's proposal on dissenting churches, 26 May 1746

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to Samuel Johnson about his system of ethics, 2 June 1746

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Poem: Lines by [Benjamin Colman] on the occasion of Jonathan Belcher being made captain general of the Jersies, [1747]

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Draft of letter from [Benjamin Colman] to the editor of the Gazette about countering criticism of New England institutions and sending an address made by him to King George II in 1727 for publication, 17 Jan. 1747

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman (Boston) to the members of the West Church about the ordination of Jonathan Mayhew, June 1747

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Draft of letter from Benjamin Colman to John Webb asking him to allow George Whitefield to preach in his church, 25 July 1747

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Minutes of lawsuit over illegally cutting trees in Raynham, Oct. 1763

Box 2Folder 11Digital Content

Index of Colman papers made by T. A., Jr., with extract from the records concerning their gift to the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1793 by Peter Thacher, 17 Nov. 1806

Preferred Citation

Benjamin Colman papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Belcher, Jonathan, 1682-1757.
Cooper, William, 1694-1743.
Coram, Thomas, 1668?-1751.
Sewall, Samuel, 1652-1730.
Shute, Samuel, 1662-1742.


Church in Brattle Square (Boston, Mass.).
Harvard College (1636-1780).
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain).
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England and Parts Adjacent.
Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge.


Church controversies.
Indians of North America--Missions.
Local church councils.
Missionaries--United States.
Presbyterian Church--Clergy.
Presbyterian Church--Doctrines.

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